Board of Directors

Interested in joining our Board of Directors? Learn more and apply.

David Gonzalez in front of flowers

David Gonzalez, Chair

David Gonzalez joined the Berkeley Free Clinic in 2015 as a member of the Gay Men's Health Collective (GMHC), eventually serving as a representative for the Clinic Steering Committee as well as a section coordinator for the GMHC. They currently volunteer with the Information Resources Collective and the Funding Section. David is a Bay Area native, and currently works at Asian Health Services as the HIV Program Manager. They are also the Advisory Board Chair for East Bay Getting to Zero. They graduated from UC Berkeley in the fall of 2023 with a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies Field.

Leyla Ghaffari smiling

Leyla Ghaffari, Vice Chair

Leyla graduated from UCLA in 2014 with a degree in International Development. She joined the Berkeley Free Clinic in 2015 as a volunteer in the Hepatitis Testing, Education, and Vaccination (HepTEV) section. In 2016-2017, she served as a section coordinator for HepTEV. As a board member, Leyla brings an enthusiasm for collaborating with her fellow clinic members and a focus on strengthening protocol and policy work happening across the clinic. In addition to her time at the clinic, she also spent 5 years working in the nonprofit sector with concentrations in homelessness, substance use, and health policy. She returned to school in 2018 to complete the prerequisites for applying to medical school. She is extremely passionate about health equity, harm reduction, and social justice.

Affiliations: HepTEV

Zeru Feki smiling

Zeru Feki, Secretary & Treasurer

Zeru is a Bay Area native that graduated from UC Berkeley in 2017 with a degree in Society & Environment. He joined the Berkeley Free Clinic in 2014 as a volunteer in the Dental section, eventually becoming a Coordinator and clinic ambassador until 2017. Currently, Zeru works as an Account Manager at Google where he helps small to medium sized businesses achieve their marketing/business objectives on a quarterly basis. Zeru is passionate about increasing racial and ethnic equity amongst various facets of society including healthcare, economic mobility, and tech. He also serves as a Board Member for the Ethiopian Community Services non-profit based in San Jose, CA.

Angel Tremble smiling

Angel Tremble, Board Member

Angel is a former member of both the Medical Section and Saturday Services and she has also volunteered with both sections as a shift professional.

I wanted to join the Board of Directors because I still think of the Berkeley Free Clinic as my community. Although I have been absent from it physically for the past 7 years, I think being a part of the Board of Directors is new way to contribute to the Berkeley Free Clinic. I think the perspective of being a past volunteer in various health services at the BFC as well as being part of its greater community as well as the Bay Area community gives me grounding in the mission of the BFC as it relates to its community members and the larger Berkeley community. I look forward to working with others to assist in guiding the mission of the Berkeley Free Clinic.

Paz Navarro smiling with a shirt that says "Abortion Forever"

Paz Navarro, Board Member

Paz Navarro (she/her) is a UC Berkeley alumni and current Physician Associate in reproductive health.  She was initially a volunteer in the mid 1990s with the Information Resource Collective (IRC), Medical Section, and Saturday Services and now acts as a shift professional for the Street Medicine Team (SMT).  Paz has been with Planned Parenthood for the past 11 years and has also been involved with the Berkeley Parents Network, acting as Board Member and Assistant Director since 2003.  Paz lives in Berkeley with her husband and three kids.  In her spare time, she loves to skateboard, albeit poorly, and enthusiastically supports the work of Skate Like a Girl.